
Operações rejeitadas

Quando uma operação não pode ser atendida por algum motivo, ela será retornada dentro de rejectOperations. Os possíveis motivos que causaram a rejeição estarão detalhados em possibleCausesOfRejectOperations.


"rejectOperations": [
"possibleCausesOfRejectOperations": {
    "2374190_0": [
  		   "code": "DEP0013",
       "message": "The characteristic requirement of operation [2374190_0] of site [269362158_3] is not compatible with characteristic of truck."
            "code": "DEP0042",
            "message": "Overtaking the end of the time window."

Os motivos mais comuns que causam rejeições são quando os horários de disponibilidade dos veículos não conseguem atender a todos os clientes com as janelas horárias estipuladas, ou quando os veículos não possuem a capacidade de volume ou peso para realizar todas as entregas ou coletas.

Abaixo, a lista completa de todas as mensagens que podem ser retornadas como motivos de rejeição:

DEP0001The operation [{0}] of site [{1}] must be alone in is route.
DEP0002The operation [{0}] of site [{1}] must be at the beginning of a route.
DEP0003The operation [{0}] of site [{1}] must be at the end of a route.
DEP0004The operation [{0}] of site [{1}] not have the same batch number of is route.
DEP0005Loading on site [{0}] of operation [{1}] must be at the beginning of route.
DEP0006Multi-loading not allowed.
DEP0007Unloading on site [{0}] of operation [{1}] must be at the end of a route.
DEP0008Multi-unloading is not allowed.
DEP0009Failure of the reverse order loading/delivery (or collection/unloading): parameter 1246.
DEP0010There are two operations linked to the same PTO [{0}] of site [{1}] in the route.
DEP0011The operation [{0}] of site [{1}] does not respect the fact that every operation from the same PTO must be consecutive.
DEP0012The size requirement of operation [{0}] of site [{1}] is not compatible with size of truck ({3} / {4}).
DEP0013The characteristic requirement of operation [{0}] of site [{1}] is not compatible with characteristic of truck.
DEP0014The site''s weight limit of [{0}] is not respected.
DEP0015The weight limit of truck is not respected.
DEP0016The volume limit of truck is not respected.
DEP0017The collect threshold of truck is not respected.
DEP0018Exceeding the maximum number of routes on truck.
DEP0019There is no compatible time window with operations of the route.
DEP0020The operation [{0}] is not compatible with truck.
DEP0021The volume requirement for truck with trailer [{1}] is not respected.
DEP0022The weight requirement for truck with trailer [{1}] is not respected.
DEP0023The trailer [{0}] is not compatible with truck.
DEP0024The operation [{0}] of site [{1}] does not respect the frequency of the site.
DEP0025The additional delivery of operation [{0}] on site [{1}] is outside the required time windows.
DEP0026The maximum number of available docks on site [{1}] (Operation [{0}]) is not respected.
DEP0027Exceeding the maximum number of trucks traveling simultaneously.
DEP0028Excessive waiting time.
DEP0029Exceeding the maximum driving time.
DEP0030Exceeding the maximum working time.
DEP0031Exceeding the maximum amplitude.
DEP0032The route scheduling required a long break which is prohibited.
DEP0033The maximum driving time to trigger the stop [{0}] is exceeded.
DEP0034The maximum working time to trigger the stop [{0}] is exceeded.
DEP0035The minimum driving time to trigger the stop [{0}] is not reached.
DEP0036The minimum working time to trigger the stop [{0}] is not reached.
DEP0037Parameter 1221 not respected: maximum gap between the times windows for loading on the route.
DEP0038Parameter 5000 not respected: consistency between loading and delivery.
DEP0039Not feasible compartment computation.
DEP0040There is no feasible assignment of truck to this element.
DEP0041The times windows constraints of the operation [{0}] on its customer site [{1}] cannot be satisfied.
DEP0042Overtaking the end of the time window.
DEP0043The operation [{0}] of site [{1}] have no time windows compatibles with truck.
DEP0044End of handling trailer on route [{0}] too late.
DEP0045The required zone of operation [{0}] on site [{1}] is not compatible with zones characteristics of truck.
DEP0046There is no zone compatible with all vehicle route operations and the truck.
DEP0047The operation [{0}] to do on site [{1}] is not compatible with truck in terms of depot profile (depot profile: [{3}]).
DEP0053Anticipation shift cannot be respected.
DEP0058The operation [{0}] cannot be assign to depot [{1}] (depot [{2}] already assigned).
DEP0059The depot profile of operation [{0}] do not allow assignment to depot [{1}].
DEP0069The balancing of the trailer types is impossible on the truck.
DEP0070The operation [{0}] does not have any time window on its depot.
DEP0071The operation [{0}] does not have any time window on its customer site.
DEP0072The time windows of stop [{0}] cannot be respected.
DEP0073Not feasible trailer handling.
DEP0074The times windows constraints of the operation [{0}] on its depot site [{1}] cannot be satisfied.
DEP0075The size requirement of operation [{0}] of site [{1}] is not compatible with size of the trailer ({3} / {4}).
DEP0076Incompatibility between operations [{0}] and [{1}] on differents routes.
DEP0077The product [{0}] of operation [{1}] is not compatible with the production planning of the depot [{2}].
DEP0078The AGVW limit of truck is not respected.
DEP0079The times windows constraints of production of line {1} of site [{2}] are not satisfied by operation [{0}].
DEP0080The product [{0}] of operation [{1}] cannot be produced on line {2} of site [{3} on time windows {4}
DEP0081There is a deficit relative to production need on line {0} of site [{1}] on time windows {2} ({3} < {4}).
DEP0082There is an overflow relative to production limit on line {0} of site [{1}] on time windows {2} ({3} > {4}).
DEP0083The operations [{0}] and [{1}] are produced simultaneously {2} on site [{3}].
DEP0084Pre-emption of the production of operation [{0}] by a break ({1}) on line {0} of site [{3}].
DEP0085Pre-emption of the production of operation [{0}] by the production of operation [{1} on line {2} of site [{3}].
DEP0086Pre-emption of the production of operation [{0}] by a stop ({1}) on line {2} of site [{3}].
DEP0087On time windows {0}, there is a deficit relative to certification {1} need on line {2} of site [{3}] ({4} < {5}).
DEP0088On time windows {0}, there is an overflow relative to certification {1} limit on line {2} of site [{3}] ({4} > {5}).
DEP0089The operation [{0}] does not satisfy the required certification {1} on time windows {2} on line {3} on site [{4}].
DEP0090The operation [{0}] does not satisfy the minimum pre-storage waiting time ({1} < {2}) on site [{3}].
DEP0091The operation [{0}] does not satisfy the maximum pre-storage waiting time ({1} > {2}) on site [{3}].
DEP0092There is no compatibility between time windows ({0}) and the beginning of the production ({2}) of the operation [{1]} on site [{3}].
DEP0093On depot [{0}], the production schedule of the operation [{1}] induces one unfulfilled constraint of the capacity constraint of the production's timeslot: {2} ({3} > {4}) for the certification {5}.
DEP0094On depot [{0}], the production schedule of the operation [{1}] induces one unfulfilled constraint of the capacity constraint of the production's time slot: {2} ({3} > {4}) for the product [{5}].
DEP0095The affectation of operation [{0} to depot [{1} induces one unfulfilled constraint of the maximum distance constraint ({2} > {3}).
DEP0096On site [{2}], the passage number {1} of the operation [{0}] does not have feasible time windows, given the schedules of other passages of the operation.
DEP0097On site [{2}], the passage number {1} of the operation [{0}] does not respect its time windows induced by schedules of other passages of the operation.
DEP0098The maximum number of sites of the truck is not satisfied.
DEP0099The operation [{0}] is not in the first route.
DEP0100The operation [{0}] is not in the final route.
DEP0101The timing of some passages of the operation [{0}] is no longer correct.
DEP0102The vehicle is not compatible with the pre-allocation of the operation [{0}].
DEP0103The operation [{0}] is incompatible with the group [{1}] that occurs in the vehicle activity.
DEP0104The predefined production day is not respect by the operation [{0}].
DEP0105The quantities of the operation [{0}] on the site [{1}] are not adapted to its time sequencing.
DEP0106The stop [{0}] does not respect the constraint about its feasibility at the beginning or the end of a route.
DEP0107The route scheduling required a long break which is prohibited by the parametrization (see parameter 1635)
DEP0108The route doesn't respect the maximum driving time between the two first visited sites imposed by the parametrization (see parameter 460)
DEP0109The route doesn't respect the maximum driving time between the two final visited sites imposed by the parametrization (see parameter 470)
DEP0110The operation [{0}] on site [{1}] doesn''t respect the maximum driving time between its site and the vehicle site (see parameter 1203)
DEP0111The route doesn't respect the maximum driving time between depots (see parameter 1202)
DEP0112The route doesn't respect the maximum driving time between clients' sites (see parameter 1200)
DEP0113The route doesn''t respect the maximum handling delay on the operation [{0}] and the site [{1}] (see parameters 1211 et 1212)
DEP0114Sites {0} and {1} forms an angle with the only depot of the tour that does not satisfies the limit set by parameter 490.
DEP0115The route accesses several times to the same customer site (see parameter 1245)
DEP0116The route accesses several times to the same loading site (see parameter 1242)
DEP0117The route accesses several times to the same unloading site (see parameter 1242)
DEP0118The maximum amplitude between the start of the time windows of the main operations is not respected
DEP0119Incompatibility between operations [{0}] and [{1}] on the same route.
DEP0120Incompatibility between operations [{0}] and [{1}].
DEP0121Maximal unloaded ride not respected between routes: parameter 1160.
DEP0122Maximal unloaded ride not respected at the beginning of the first route: parameter 1161.
DEP0123Maximal unloaded ride not respected at the end of the last route: parameter 1162.
DEP0124Incorrect date compared to predecessor operations.
DEP0125Incorrect date compared to successor operations.
DEP0126Route with loading break.
Tabela com todos os possíveis motivos para alguma operação não conseguir ser atendida.