The Toll API is a Restful API capable of returning data and the values of the tolls on the route. With Toll API you can:
The Toll API is a Restful API capable of returning data and the values of the tolls on the route. With Toll API you can:
Toll API covers the calculation of tolls in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. The operation and method of charging vary according to the count [...]
Before you can start using the API, you will need to obtain the authentication token. The following headers will be required, where the word token must be replaced by the token obt [...]
Mandatory parameters The following parameters are required: Accepted coordinate formats The following formats are supported as input for the coordinates in the parameter points: Ob [...]
In this example, we have a simple route that passes through the Itaquaquecetuba tollbooth. We will use the independent endpoint to calculate the tolls. Request The parameter legs i [...]
In this example, we will use integration with the Trip API in a route between Campo Grande-MS and Parati-RJ, in Brazil. Request with the toll values for a two-axle truck. That̵ [...]
Some toll plazas offer a percentage discount for users who use automatic payment methods, known as TAG or TelePeaje. In Brazil, this percentage is 5% off and is available to only a [...]
Some toll plazas, especially in Argentina and Chile, have prices that vary according to the day, time or season of the year the route is being traveled. In Argentina, for example, [...]
This example is specific to routes in Mexico, where some highways have a closed toll system. On these highways, the amount at each toll booth will vary according to the origin and [...]
The following example considers a route in Brazil between the cities of Guaxupé – MG to São Carlos – SP, with two intermediate stops in the cities of Casa Branca – [...]
Below is the table with the status codes for each endpoint available in the Toll API: Code Method Endpoint Description 200 POST OK ( [...]
The following table shows all the error messages that can be returned by the API in the response body: Error code Message Description VALIDATION_FAILED ou VALIDATION_ERROR { messag [...]